Saturday, March 14, 2009

Screen for Public Library...

Every time I visit my local library, I get a little boost from seeing my screen adjacent to the entryway. Commissioned by Friends of the Library, its purpose is not just to offer a bit of privacy to the children's librarian, but to set a mood of calm and serenity to all those entering.

It's painted on four hollow-core doors which were then hinged together. The reverse side is finished also - with a crackled surface, striping and floral embellishment.

My favorite thing about where it sits, is the real plant to the right which seems to merge right into the painted Magnolia leaves on the far right panel.

I wanted a dreamlike garden setting with bright and yet - soft colors fading off into the distance.

The "Monet" bridge was added at the specific request of one of the librarians, who had always admired the paintings at Giverny.

The Japanese Bridge by Claude Monet